Wednesday, January 28, 2009

EDM 310 Class for 1/28

Class, today we are going to try and do the following:

1. Talk about Grades in eCollege

2. Talk about ACCESS

3. Sign up for ACCESS lab visit times

4. Talk about Google Presentation criteria

5. Begin working on Google Presentations

Blog Assignment due Monday Febuary 2nd.

Read the two articles pertaining to Google and make a post to your blog of about a paragraph or two for each article about your feelings for each. Also, try and look over some of your classmates responses using the class list from our class blog. You do not have to make a comment on anyone elses post just read some of them and see what they think. If you do make a comment please keep in constructive (no negative comments) and we will talk about it next week.

Monday, January 26, 2009

EDM 310 Class for 1/26


Today we will do the following:

1. Make sure that everyone has signed up for a gmail account and setup their blogs.

2. Talk about ALEX

3. Begin looking at Google Docs and IGoogle

4. The second blog assignment is due Wednesday Jan. 28th.

ATQS (5)(c) 3.(i): Search the web for information about the Alabama
Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide (ACCESS) program. Download and
review the PowerPoint presentation available at:
For your post this week, write at least two paragraphs summarizing ACCESS and the resources available to teachers.

Download and review the PowerPoint presentation available (The link is called ACCESS Presentation (ppt)) at: . The presentation is located about half way down the page.

Following the same model you used to write about ALEX, discuss the Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide (ACCESS) program.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

EDM 310 Class for Today 1/21


Today we will do the following:

1. Make sure that everyone has signed up for a gmail account and setup their blogs.

2. Take a Word Processing Diagnostic Exam (The last diagnostic exam)

3. The first blog assignment is due Monday Jan. 26th

Review the current and emerging state initiatives and programs including, but not limited to,Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX) and the Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide (ACCESS) program and their relationship to student achievement. ATQS(5)(c) 3.(i)

Start by doing a search in Google. Examine the material that is available at Read the materials provided.

For the blog post due Jan 26th, write two or more paragraphs in which you describe ALEX and the resources available to teachers well enough so that someone unfamiliar with ALEX would understand what it is and how it works. Then provide the reader
with your thoughts as to the usefulness of ALEX to you when you begin teaching.

Next week, we will start learning about Google documents.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Welcome to EDM 310

Welcome to Mr. Tashbin's EDM 310 Class Blog for the Spring 2009 term. I hope you find this site helpful and that you consult it on a regular basis. It is the source for all EDM 310 information for our class. I look forward to working with everyone this semester.

First Assignment: I have sent an email to your PAWS accounts. Please, pull up this email and make sure that you received it and that you follow the instructions in the email. We need to setup our Google accounts so we can start setting up our blogs for the semester.

EDM 310 Instructional Videos

Almost every major project is or will be explained in Instructional Videos by Dr. John H Strange, EDM 310 program coordinator. Look to the right and locate the videos that have been posted to date under this heading. Click on the appropriate video to watch it. More videos will be added on a regular basis.

You should monitor the videos that are available and make use of them as appropriate.